One of the most memorable moments for a parent is when their child stands up for the first time and takes their steps. However, this particular time in your life requires a lot of nourishment, love, and support from the time they start pulling themselves up until they take the first steps. And a lot of encouragement and boost you provide them will decipher when your baby first stands. Of course, your baby’s first steps matter but so does the first time they stand. Maybe it’s just a reflex, a motor skill, but every step (in this case, stand) counts.
Here we talk about tips to help your baby stand up, without your support, for the first time.
When can you expect your baby to first stand with support?
A baby will generally start by pulling something to leverage their stand. In the first instance, you will have to support them to stand up. Usually, when the baby is 7-12 months old, they will pull themselves up to stand. They can use a table leg or anything else for support that matches their height and stays steady enough. You can support them with your hand or hold them stable enough to stand.
When can you expect a baby to stand on their own without support?
You can expect a baby to stand without support as early as nine months. But it is often usual for some babies to stand without support a little late in their life, like more than 12 months. But that is also okay. Not every baby is the same, which is why they might get the hang or stand of things differently. So, don’t make a big deal out if your baby can’t stand out as early as the other kid. Their body will get to this process on their own.
When your baby is trying to stand up, let them do so only for a few seconds. Their ability to stand independently with/without support will get better. All you have to do is give them time. As their bones are young and malleable, too much standing can strain their bones. Also, it is normal for a baby to stand on their own for a few seconds when they are 13-15 months old. With time, they will stand for a more significant number of hours and not fall on the floor.
Does a baby need anything to stand without support?
During development, a baby is still in the process of strengthening its bones and muscles. The better the nutrition they receive, the stronger their bones are. However, a baby will need stiffened legs, muscles, and hips to stand independently and perform other essential activities like rolling, sitting, and crawling. Regular massaging to their legs is one way you can strengthen their bones and muscles and meet their motor functions. You can always back them with your hand or hold the supportive item they’re using to stand.
What to do if your baby falls?
One thing to note over here is that it is normal for a baby to fall when they’re initially learning to stand. For several months, your baby will fall immediately after they stand, only for two seconds or so. So, don’t be scared of your baby falling. Let them take this step on their own.
However, when they’re learning to stand:
- Ensure soft padding and cover all the areas where your baby can get hurt
- Keep them away from the stairs
- Be near to the baby when they’re trying to walk
Make sure the furniture is weighted in case a baby tries to grab it when standing up
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